How to Earn Hard Cash in Next 30 Days using Facebook Groups without spending single penny?

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Essential Tips for using Facebook Groups for tapping maximum potential:

  1. The most important thing is to use your original Facebook profile for joining groups. You should also not use your business page for subscribing to groups & replying to queries. Also, using Fake profiles can’t get you anywhere. People love to check your originality credentials like your real-life updates on your profile page. If they are giving you money, they need to trust you. Internet is a very shady place. So, do your maximum efforts to make your profile genuine.
  2. Since you are going all out for asking work & money, so don’t be shy & don’t hesitate to make your profile public so that people may check your authenticity and make sure that you are not just another fraud on the internet.
  3. You can make your friends contact details & photos and other information private but try to keep posts under public.
  4. Make your profile as a Digital Creator so that people can view your posts at least.
  5. Use Real Photo & Real Name in the Profile. There is no need to make fake profile and use fake photo in the profile picture.
  6. Don’t use multiple profiles for asking & replying comments.
  7. Don’t use fake for referring your original Profile or Business Page.
  8. Join only relevant Facebook groups which at least allow to post comments on queries of users.
  9. Join Facebook Groups which have maximum number of users & posts posted per day.
  10. Its best if groups allow to post your content without under moderation. If not, then also you can join them if they have good number of queries coming every day.
  11. In a group, if only admin is posting and not allowing other to post or comment on queries then leave the group immediately. There is no use of wasting time on such groups.
  12. If you will join too many groups & irrelevant groups then there might be chance that you might miss out on important user queries posted in the groups.
  13. If you feel that certain group is very important as too many users might be posting their queries in that group then its best to keep its notifications set to “All” instead of just “highlights”.
  14. If the group admin is not approving your joining request even after many days, immediately cancel the request coz you will not be able to comment on any of its queries but its groups feeds might disturb / push down other relevant groups queries.

Now let us see the hidden tips & tricks for content creation into Facebook Groups:

  1. Since Facebook Groups can be termed as a Flea Market of Digital World so the price of product / service should be highly competitive.
  2. The user will not give you a single chance if your price point is high.
  3. Its best if you can ask the public about the average price of the service by becoming a customer or by asking a question in various group. Within, 2-3 days, you will understand the average price point that is running around in the groups.
  4. Follow the rule of selling the same quality at lower price so that you can at least attract the customers.
  5. Don’t try to sell costly products initially. Pitch lowest priced product at better quality and once they trust you, you can sell them costlier products.
  6. Its best to post about your offered services in your profile updates so that the buyers can trust you that it is a genuine & authentic service that you are offering.
  7. If possible, try to make a good webpage which contains all details of the product or be ready with a written content in pdf form or in other format.
  8. Don’t offer too many services at the beginning coz that might confuse the buyer.
  9. Keep yourself with a pack of top 1 or top 5 products which you can offer immediately to the user.
  10. Once the user asks about your product, you may not have time to write and send the product details. The description or pdf or website URL must be handy as the buyer may lose interest in your product due to too much time spent.
  11. If possible, give the buyers a Free demo of a service so that they can have a glimpse of service. 

Now let’s learn some tips & tricks so that Facebook may not ban you: 

  1. Don’t use multiple groups posting tools which will randomly posts same content in different groups. It will ban your profile. This is not 2012 when there was no AI.
  2. Be prepared to spend a good amount of time over scouring Facebook feed filled with various groups queries.
  3. There is no correct time in this case. You might be getting queries at any time on any group so be informed always and chose groups accordingly.
  4. You have to comment on every query manually by scouring the groups in Facebook feeds.
  5. Don’t try to comment on every query. Be Smart.
  6. Check the Genuity of the Buyer if that is authentic or not. It may be fake profile and you might be just wasting your precious time.
  7. Check the buyer friends and photos. Make sure it is a real profile and then only comment.
  8. One major factor is that, there would be many responses on the real queries while there might not be any on fake profiles postings.
  9. Over the period, you will learn the names of fake profiles, be patient.
  10. Joining any telegram group is a big No. Just Block the profiles on the Facebook.
  11. Scammers might ask you to submit $20 to take out your $2000. Just block them.
  12. PayPal is still the best possible way to receive money from abroad.
  13. Always check the date of posted query. There might be good possibility that you might be commenting on 3 months old query in certain group.
  14. Don’t download anything which says that all the required information is in ZIP / RAR format and you have to extract it to read on your computer. It usually has viruses and your computer might get hacked. (Personally Got Hacked)
  15. Over the period, you will understand that what is best option, contacting them personally or posting information in the comments section unless asked personally by the buyer.

Now, let’s understand how to design the comments content:

  1. Facebook does not allow too many hyperlinks in the comments so try to keep them minimum in a day. Don’t try to post hyperlinks of products in every post / comment & query. Facebook will ban you.
  2. Some groups also, do not allow the hyperlinks in their comments so if you will use hyperlinks in the comments, your comment will automatically be declined and you will not understand, why? It’s because of hyperlinks in your comments.
  3. If you want to use hyperlinks in the comments, make it simple text which is unclickable. Example: Instead of writing write www . Sarvotarzan . org . This will not only make the link visible for SEO & buyer but will also make him understand that after customizing the URL he can reach to the product URL or Can simply search the adjusted link on Google.
  4. Use images in the comments with bold and minimum content so that the required information may be visible even after watching its thumbnail in comments. There should not be any need to open the image specially for reading its contents. In this way, even the buyers who might be searching for similar products may get your service in a quick glance. Which they may not feel to open every image in comments section.
  5. Use a good quality image editor for creating such images.
  6. Some groups may not allow even images in the comments so you can write only text comments.
  7. Write text comments short, concise & to the point. If possible, try to enclose price as well. People love the fact that you are open with your price and there will not be any time-wasting deciding price along with other requirements & deliverables.
  8. Also, everyone just loves good savings so if you have the best prices offered, buyer will automatically give you a head start by contacting you in person over personal chats. Comments with no prices might be dusted down in the comments section.
  9. Be clear about the fact that people are searching the services in groups because they want the lowest prices of the services. So, keep your prices lowest.
  10. You may use your Phone number / WhatsApp number / Email in the comments understanding the fact that it will reach to spammers once it goes online. So, use only those numbers & emails which are used for professional communication. Do not use personal information.

In short, Facebook groups are gold mines where you can make a lot of money just by following the above quoted tips and tricks. Follow the tips and you will never have to pay even a single penny in the paid marketing campaigns on the internet.

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